ABCD That Is Changing The World @ Taylor’s University

We had a nice tech forum at Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus in Subang for the first day of November 2018.

The discussion were not limited to Blockchain technology but also looking at the IR4.0 generally and overall tech progress – a matter of where we are, and where are we heading.

We started with the introduction to a century of technology innovation, a tale of two monetary world, the three phases of cryptocurrencies and some use cases sharing.

Our co-founder, Mr. Effendy Zulkifly, then shared with the students on the feasibility studies of Blockchain technology in Asia and the implication to governments.

It was a great afternoon spent with the students of ICT from Taylor’s University.

Thank you Taylor’s University for hosting such a forum.

* Taylor’s University not only rank high as academic institution in terms of education, research and development, but also one of the best in the world when it comes to the graduate employment rate. Taylor’s University is the fourth best in the world based on its score of 99.7/100 in the graduate employment rate indicator under the 2019 QS Graduate Employ-ability Rankings.



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